Thursday, October 12, 2006

Daily Breeze: California has lead in new foreclosures

I was not able to find this story online, but it so happens that Bruce brought home a copy of the Daily Breeze today (October 12), and the story is on the front page of the Business section.

With a 19 percent increase in foreclosure activity, California leap-frogged past
Texas and Florida to report the most new filings of any state last month, an 
Irvine-based online marketplace for foreclosure properties reported Wednesday.

The state documented 14,806 properties entering some stage of foreclosure, nearly 
three times the number reported in September 2005 and a foreclosure rate of one new 
foreclosure filing for every 825 households - 1.3 times the national average
according to RealtyTrac.

The state's foreclosure activity has risen more than 40% during the past two months.
Nationwide, about 112,210 properties entered some stage of foreclosure last month,
down less than 1% from August, and a 63% increase from September 2005.


Blogger dagooroo said...

We're #1!

Hopefully the NFL is taking notice of our winning ways. Can we please get a football franchise back in Los Angeles now?

10:32 PM, October 12, 2006  

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