This block of condominiums are what would be considered among the most affordable properties in Redondo Beach (not counting the very old post-war style box houses). The complex is quite big and difficult to capture in a ground photo. The picture here only points toward one tiny corner of the complex. The two red arrows are pointing to two For Sale signs. I was standing in front of and just to the left of the main foot entrance when this picture was taken, and the property extended behind me for at least the distance here shown in the photo.
I'm not even sure how many condos there are in the complex. In square footage they range from about 1227 to 1368 square feet.
It's incredible to believe that a property in this complex was selling for $147,000 back in July 1998. Asking prices for those two properties for sale (January 2006) are $579,000 and $587,000.
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