Unresolved inventory as of February 2, 2007
No, the graph below isn't a picture of New Year confetti, it's just a plot of square feet versus current asking price (accounting for reductions or increases to the original asking price) of all my inventory records for which I have no sales resolution. The shape or color of the plotted point is insignificant, I just thought it would be better to look at than a blob of blue diamonds.

In these 548 records, the median sqft is 1843 and the current asking price is $804,500. In a previous post, I calculated the median original asking price for those properties that sold in December as $809,000. So when I took this inventory snapshot, it appeared that, for now, the market has been catching on and lowering its asking price overall. When I look at certain individual properties for which asking prices have inexplicably been raised, I shake my head in disbelief, but they must be really in the minority.
When you consider that my list of unresolved inventory has the flaw of not excluding properties in which the seller truly changed his mind about selling, and resolved the situation by staying put, renting out the place, or some other means, then those properties do not show recent price reductions in the data. However, I am working on the assumption that those properties are a very small percentage of the overall list. For those sellers we hear have been going out on fishing expeditions, I assume they will keep trying to fish. There are lots of listings in my collection with no changes to the original asking price at all, even though the property has been listed for many months.
This second chart is of the Days on Market for the same unresolved inventory. I come up with a median DOM of 112 and an average DOM of 116.

One must consider again the effect of the records in which the homesellers really changed their minds, as discussed above - their entries would skew DOM upwards. But, there are also a bunch of records in my collection in which DOM is way understated. These are the ones that were first entered into the database at the end of September, since I took the records out of open house listings in the local papers, rather than online listings, and entered a listing date as the date of the paper publications, when in reality those properties were probably on the market for some time already. If I am lucky those two problems could cancel each other out, but over time I expect those properties with erroneous listing dates to get sold and drop out of the unresolved inventory, while the problem of homes that have backed out of the market remains.
Let's also look at how the asking prices distribute in this unresolved inventory. How does this compare to what I assumed about December inventory compared to December sales? One thing I notice is that December inventory category in the $450K-$500K has shrunk way down. In the December chart, inventory in the $450K-$500K range was about 12% of the outstanding inventory. Now, it has gone down - oops!

Maybe I goofed somewhere. Or maybe there has been a big uptick in sales in that category. Is there a way I can find out?
Reviewing my spreadsheet for December 2006 inventory versus December sales, I did find one error. Here is the corrected chart. Notice that the $450K-$500K category has now shrunk, and when you look at the light periwinkle colored bars, the shape of the graph looks very much like the February inventory graph.

Here is the December chart with the error:

If I take a sneak peak at January sales, this is what I find:
STREET SALEPRICE SQFT PCTRED DOM S. Broadway C 715000 1503 3.3 105 Calle Miramar 1325000 2799 5.3 92 Pearl 615000 890 23.0 106 Esplanade 103 607000 1359 24.0 221 N. Guadalupe A 815000 2253 4.7 100 Garnet 899000 2507 7.8 212 S. Prospect 205 469000 977 7.1 110 Pruitt 570000 756 3.2 86 Harper 610000 756 8.3 161 Ernest A 979000 2320 1.6 103 Mathews C 755000 1885 24.1 390 Vanderbilt 2 520000 1070 5.3 81 Vanderbilt 4 510000 1070 9.3 103 Marshallfield 579000 768 0.0 71 Grant 2 562000 1598 16.0 204 Mathews 3 610000 1710 11.5 204 Vanderbilt C 660000 1609 13.0 197 Gates C 620000 1974 12.9 143 MED 612500 1551 8.0 108 AVG 690000 1545 10.0 149 MIN 469000 756 0.0 71 MAX 1325000 2799 24.1 390
I notice that average DOM has gone up considerably, skewed upward by the sale of five properties on the market at 200 days or longer, including one of my poster children! Median DOM of 108 for sneak peak January sales is pretty close to the median DOM of 112 for inventory as of February 2.
Although with such a small sample size for January sales, it's really too soon to say definitively how everything played out in January.
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